Rent Dry Ice Blasters
Not ready to spend thousands on high-tech equipment.
Need a one-time-only cleaning application?
Want to learn how to do dry ice blasting?
Want to check out blast cleaning effectiveness?
Then you may want to consider renting first!
For an opportunity to see what kind of machine fits your needs best, try renting.
Many Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Equipment manufacturers offer training and lease-purchase for their equipment, such as Cold Jet. This way, you can try out the different types of equipment before purchasing.
Rentals included
Some companies like Red-D-Arc and Continental Carbonic have many locations across the country offering rentals. Also, Sutton-Garten in Indiana, Cool Blast in South Carolina, MES in Detroit, or Wickens in Canada will rent their equipment. Ask if renting includes some training to use their machine
Types of Blasters
Different applications favor different machines. There are many sizes, from lightweights, possible to hoist up ladders, to very heavy workhorses. They all have various nozzles for each kind of application. Again, depending on the need, one blaster may work better than another. Renting before purchasing may be helpful. See our manufacturer’s page for many different machines.
Your experience will help you pick the best blast cleaning equipment.
Check out used dry ice blasters at
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Serving Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Chicago metro areas.
Service – Rentals – Sales
(734) 765-9685

Our ASCO dry ice cleaning technology is a safe and effective method for cleaning machines and surfaces. Our industrial know-how ranges from the plastics, rubber, and automotive industries to foundries and many other applications.
Orange Park, FL 32073
T +1 904 374 9590 /+1 877 633 0996 (toll free)
Professional Companies Offering Rental Services
Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Equipment
Worldwide Sales & Service
Cold Jet rentals available at Sutton Garten
At Enviro-Blast, we offer full-service dry ice blasting to a number of different industries.
586 756-4570
Warren, MI 48091
Premier Dry Ice Blasting company offering Consulting, Services, and Products.
- Dry Ice Blasting Unit Rentals
- Dry Ice Blasting Unit Sales
- Dry Ice Equipment Sales
- Industrial Cleaning Project Management
- Dry Ice Sales and Brokering
- Start-Up Business Consulting